Posted by Irish Whiskey USA on

 IWSA Virtual Events are the best way for members across the country to get together on a semi-regular basis and enjoy an Irish Whiskey, swap stories, and experience some mighty craic.

To encourage attendance at Virtual Events the following IWSA Member Reward Schedule will provide points good for Member Store $ Benefits.

1st Virtual Event Attended (Calendar Year) +10 points
2nd Virtual Event Attended (Calendar Year) +15 points
3rd+ Virtual Event Attended (Calendar Year) +20 points


Points can be accumulated in any one calendar year (Jan 1st thru Dec 31st)

(Example: Members attending 3 virtual events will accumulate 10 + 15 + 20 = 45 points)

Points can be divided into different increments for store purchases.

Points will expire at the end of each year. Member balances will reset.

Points are only earned if members "attend" the virtual event by joining the Zoom call and remaining online for the full event or minimum 1 hour.


20 $5
30 $10
45 $15
75 $25
100 $35


Member Point balance will be provided upon request. Members choosing to use available points will be provided Store Coupon to use for purchase.

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